Saturday, January 30, 2010


So, I've not posted in awhile. I guess it's because I've just been so busy with other things, school, work etc., that I just haven't had time. And then when I do have time, I just end up reading other people's blogs instead of writing myself.

But, today is Saturday and it's snowing, snowing, snowing. Today, Jeff and I were going to make our monthly trip up to the temple. But the snow sort of put a stop to that. I still considered going this morning, but in realizing that it would probably keep snowing for awhile, we decided that it probably wouldn't be a safe trip.

Yesterday, as we were eating our dinner, we were talking about how Wal-mart would probably be packed with people because they knew the snow storm was coming. Jeff mentioned that he thought it was crazy that people went crazy because of a little bit of snow. I mentioned that I thought it wasn't that it was a little bit of snow, it was that they might not be able to get out today (which last night would have been "tomorrow") and that people tend not to prepare ahead of time, instead it's last minute. So, even if it's just for one day that they're stuck, they feel like they have to prepare for that. So we started talking about the Second coming and how those same people will be the people that will not be prepared for when the Savior comes again. We've been eating out of our food storage this month (which I will talk about later perhaps), but anyway, so we didn't really need anything at the store. However, we did end up going to Wal-mart so that we could get a movie from the Redbox for our snowed-in Saturday. It was pretty busy, just from the looks of the parking lot; we didn't really take a peak inside or anything.

Anyway, I don't really have much more to say. I know, exciting post. That's the other thing... I just don't have anything to write these days. I guess I could tell you about some of our goals for this year....

We want to be more physicially, spiritually, financially and mentally fit this year. We've written out our goals and posted them on the refridgerator for us to see. We included things like working out at least 3 days per week, reading a couple of books this year each, taking some classes (both Jeff and me), paying not down, but off, my student loans. yay! Going to the temple at least once monthly (which I'm pretty sad that I'm missing this month), we're going to have morning spiritual thoughts, taking turns each day. And this month, Jeff and I decided to use our food storage, which means making our own bread (which has been really fun and tasty!), not watching tv, using facebook or listening to talk radio. We're thinking about ending the tv thing today though and maybe watching something tonight (and we don't watch tv on Sundays). I don't know though. We've already made it this far. We'll see.

We started working out and did alright for the first two weeks, but these past two weeks have been really difficult. I started classes and my life just got a lot busier. I am taking three classes this semester, still working full-time and I am doing home therapy two nights a week. In addition to that, I should go to Mutual on Tuesday nights (I haven't gone the past couple of weeks for various reasons... but I need to start going again), we've agreed to have the missionaries come over once a week for several weeks and are encouraged to find someone come into our home for them to meet with, baking bread takes time, etc. So, really I just don't have much time and working out, I guess, gets the boot.... for now. I suppose I can try to start waking up earlier and working out before work. But in order for that to work, I need to get more quality sleep, which only seems to come once every several weeks. Last night, I feel like I slept better than I had in a long time. It was wondeful. :)

We're following Dave Ramsey's plan to gain financial freedom. We have a long way to go, but it's great already seeing the fruits of our labors and hopefully, my student loans will be completely paid off by mid-April. I am really looking forward to that.

I am trying to figure out what to do about school. If I go full-time every semester, I will finish in May of 2011. If I just take two classes each semester, I will finish in Dec. 2011. The problem is this: I can take 6 credits free each semester at VCU, however for whatever extra class I take, I have to pay for it. Full-time tuition is definitely more expensive that part time. It still is far less than having to pay for it all by myself, but I am not sure if I will be able to maintain that schedule financially and time-wise. This semester is sort of my test. We'll see how it goes. Wish me luck. Speaking of school, Jeff is really motivated lately to start taking classes, so he's gonna register to take a class either during the summer or fall at a community college. His work schedule is so variable though, that it's really hard to schedule time for classes. So, hopefully that will work out for him.

Well, I suppose that's all for now. Perhaps, I'll not go too long before posting again.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with your goals, you will do great, I know it!
