Sunday, August 12, 2012

Finally... A First Word... Maybe?

So, for the past week or so, Caleb has started saying a "word" on a consistent basis and at appropriate times. Can you guess what it is? No, it's not mommy or daddy. It's not up or more or please or water or bath or outside or music or book, tree, dog, cat, or shoe. No, it's not any of those- even though we work on those words and many more all of the time. I recorded a video of him this afternoon so you can see for yourselves.

Now he only says this when we bless his food. Though we say other prayers throughout the day, he does not say "amen" at those times yet. I just think he's super motivated by food and he knows that when the prayer is over he gets to eat. :) Anyway, it's super cute because every time, he gets this huge smile!


  1. What a great first word! Two syllables even! Way to go! Bless you by the way with all of your sneezing. :)

  2. I am grinning my face off, this is SOOOOO freakin' CUTE! Best first word ever!

  3. So cute! I can't believe how big he is.

  4. Cute! I loved seeing his face at the end of the prayer when he realized what was coming.
