Tuesday, September 4, 2012


This is a random post, but I just realized that this is the first day that Caleb hasn't nursed at all. It's kind of sad, really. I had stopped nursing him so frequently sometime last month and it had gotten down to once or twice a day. And today, it was none.  I know that it's okay that he isn't nursing anymore (just like it would be okay if he continued to nurse), but I really think I am going to miss it. I guess he has other things on his mind these days. Today was also kind of a busy day, so maybe it just didn't cross his mind. Or maybe, it did and he just didn't know how to tell me, since he doesn't really have any words yet. I don't know. I had intended on allowing him to ween himself and well, I guess he has- maybe he'll decide to nurse tomorrow, who knows. Maybe he won't. I guess we'll just play it by ear and see.

Anyway, sometimes I am filled with so much love for him that it's kind of ridiculous. The past couple of days were kind of hard. He was really fussy, but not just fussy, he'd gotten into this whiny screaming  mood that was both kind of annoying and frustrating because it seemed that we could not help him no matter what we tried. Last night, he was up for an hour crying and so I expected today to be much the same as the past two days. Except, it wasn't. Today was great. There were a couple of screaming fits, but for the most part, he did a great job and we had a great time together. We went to a doctor's appointment (which I will share in another post) and we did some shopping. He was great! We came home and read some books and ate and sang some songs and played, "I'm gonna get you" and he squealed in delight as he ran away from me (so stinkin' cute, by the way). He helped me with the laundry by helping me put the wet clothes in the dryer and put the once-folded dishtowels in the proper drawer. He's just been awesome today. And, when it was time to go through our bedtime routine, he sat in my lap as we read scriptures and was happy. We sang and prayed and he stayed calm during those times, too. Then I rocked him a little longer than usual and sang to him and finally put him in his crib and he went right to sleep! He hadn't done that in awhile. Anyway, maybe I'm getting my sweet boy back after a couple of days of craziness. :)

1 comment:

  1. It's a phase. No worries. Sometimes kids just have a few rough days....(Or weeks in my house. Haha.) He is so stinkin' adorable. :)
