Thursday, March 29, 2012

9 Months!!

My baby boy turned 9 months on Sunday. 9 Months! What? I can't even believe it. These past 9 months seem to have flown by, certainly they have gone by faster than the nine months that I was pregnant. Amazing.

We went to the doctor today for his nine month check-up. Baby boy is in the 50th percentile for height (28 inches) and the 95th percentile for weight (23 lbs). We have one SOLID baby. But, I just love him just the way he is. :) The doctor said that he does not need to eat at night any more. He asked about his sleeping habits at night and during the day and is concerned that he's not getting enough sleep- in fact he said this twice- and thinks that I should let him cry it out at night. He said that when he picks up his baby when she's crying and should be sleeping, that he feels like he's doing her a disservice. Of course, he didn't come out and say that he felt like I was doing my baby a disservice (which I appreciate), and he knows how I feel about the whole cry it out business- we talked about it at his 6 month check-up.

He also suggested that I not be the one that checks on him when he's crying at night because then he'll think that he will nurse. So, Jeff has to be the one to check on him. Poor Jeff- he's the one that has to get up early for work. But,  on the other hand, Jeff is also the one that doesn't mind trying the whole cry-it-out method. I'm still hesitant. The doc said if we do this, we have to be diligent and do it consistently. We can't do it one night and give in the next night.

He also suggested that I put him on a more rigid eating schedule so that he can get used to when he should eat and when he should sleep. He said that if he's on a more rigid schedule, it might really help with his sleeping. We've been working on having a better schedule lately- though I still just let him eat when he wants (within reason, but I feel like he's been pretty good at regulating that himself- except at night.

Finally, he said towards the beginning of the appointment that he'd like him to go see an allergist when he gets older. Then as he was doing the physical part of the exam, he said that he keeps going back and forth and can't decide if he wants him to see an allergist after he turns 1 or if he wants him to wait until he's 2. I told him that Jeff would like him to see an allergist, too.

We talked about his reflux, he still has some reflux, but it's tons better than it was before.  Also, Jeff has been concerned because he will gasp for air- it seems. We haven't figured out if it's because there is a problem or if it's because he discovered he can do it and he likes the way it feels or sounds or something. He said that if he seems fine afterwards (not coughing or having a difficult time breathing) then it's probably nothing to worry about.

So that's pretty much it. He asked if he could grab things, pull up to standing, cruise around, crawl and he can do all of those things. So he's right on target.

Also at 9 months Caleb:

- babbles- alot. He says mamamama, nananana, baba, my favorite- ah ra, ah ra.
- squeals! He loves to squeal.
- he's an escape artist. He's figured out how to get the glass door open. (I really need to video record it. It's so funny!
- climbs steps (we only have our front steps, but one day, he just climbed the porch steps at a friend's house.
- cruises around with his little wooden walker thingy.
- eats more solids (usually about twice a day- every once in awhile, he'll eat three times a day)
- clears his throat.
- makes these weird bunny noises where it sounds like he's eating something.
- just cut a tooth two days ago.
- loves to explore more.
- has the best laugh in the world, but is still serious, too.
- if you pretend to cry, he'll hug you.
- loves to snuggle with his mama.
- really started to want his mama more (probably because I'm with him all of the time, so I guess if I'm not, he wonders why and starts to fuss- I find it rather flattering).
- gives hugs and kisses (we call it "loves")
- grasps and bangs toys
- looks for toys now
- plays with his shadow (and it's sooo cute to watch!- another thing I need to get a picture of).
- loves to look at books.
- still loves counting.
- shows more interest in noises he hears both inside and outside.
- still loves music
- loves it when mama dances funny
- still LOVES to be outside
- can hardly sit still
- has started banging his head (on shoulders and occasionally the door- but not very hard)
- enjoys finger games more than before
- loves peek-a-boo more.
- plays "I'm gonna get you".
- tries to catch ants when he's' outside
- likes to "help" put dishes in the dishwasher (as soon as he hears the dishwasher door open, he crawls to the kitchen and I end up having to close the dishwasher).
- likes to help put clothes in the dryer (same thing- he loves to go to the dryer when the dryer door is down).

Anway, we've been having a ton of fun this month as I've had the wonderful opportunity to stay home with him. It truly has been the best kind of blessing and I'm so grateful that we are in this place in our lives right now. Life is good.

Now for some pictures from the past month:

Reading with mama.

Eating puffs

I just love the progression.

In the mouth! 

Look at that chub!

Say what?! When did you learn to do that?

Laughing at the river.

We borrowed a bunny- he's getting to know her.

We have to put the gate at the front door if we want to leave it open to prevent him from escaping.

He was following the line- hilarious.

I cannot even handle all of the cuteness!

And this is why we borrowed a bunny- for Easter photos!

I just LOVE this kid!

He kills me!

9 month old and his daddy
My happy boy. 

1 comment:

  1. I meant to comment more on facebook but Adam took over the computer in a not so pleasant way so I wasn't able to finish. I wish you luck with the crying it out. None of my kiddos have ever been able to cry it out. Owen would cry for as long as he could (over an hour) and then fall asleep, and THEN wake up ten minutes later and start crying it out again. Adam would scream for hours. After trying it a week with each, we stopped. Honestly, if the kiddo is teething, it's not worth trying, because you can never know when he's crying in pain because of teething and when he's just being stubborn.

    However, I do agree that getting him on a solid eating schedule would be VERY beneficial! We are pretty crazy about schedules around here for several reasons, but with foster kids it seems to make ALL the difference, even more so than with the autistic kiddos. :) It's rough for about a week, but then it's wonderful! Our kids have three meals a day and at least two snacks depending on when they wake up in the morning, eating every 2-3 hours. It's funny we have a 10 month old too-Mr. Man. He has his breakfast, lunch & dinner, along with one snack in the afternoon. He's down to taking only 3 eight ounce bottles a day-after breakfast, after his afternoon nap, and before bed. We're trying to work the sippy cup in, but he refuses. For his meals we usually just puree what we eat, although he does like sunbutter sandwiches, crackers, etc. Once our kids can use a sippy cup, including all foster kids, we always give them a sippy cup of water to take to bed with them. It really helps A LOT during the night, especially with kiddos who have been starved, or think they're starving. :)

    Just remember every kiddo is different and you know what's best for yours!
